St Ives Flower and Produce Show update

Show sub committteeHere’s the  happy band (click to enlarge) that took on the huge task last year of reinstating the Show after a break of 15 years… with only eight weeks to organise things. So it was very satisfying to see how much it was enjoyed by all, both competitors and visitors.

This year we have the luxury of much more time. And we’re not wasting any of it! In a few days we’ll have our third meeting. So what’s been the subject of hot discussion so far? See the list below.

Communication on the 2011 Show will heat up from July onwards but you can already view the draft programme under the Produce Show tab of the HRAA web site.

Just a few of the topics discussed…

  • If we get flooded with entries this year how will we cope???
  • What should we charge?
  • How should the Best In Show award be decided?
  • If there’s a tie, how to decide the winner
  • What awards should be made?
  • Can we stay open longer this year?
  • Can dried flowers be used in arrangements?
  • What does comprise a plain scone set recipe?

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