Weather update 2011

Sloe berries March was an unusually dry month. The average rainfall over England and Wales is normally about 73 mm (2.9 in) but this March only 25 mm was recorded. That makes it the driest March across England and Wales since 1990, and probably the seventh driest March in the past 100 years.

An interesting snippet, very relevant to us, is that the Cambridge area had no measurable rain for the 31days to March 29.... and of course very little since. Are we heading for another dry year ?

Blackthorn in the communal hedge - that is the one between the old and new allotments - set fruit (sloes) last year for the first time since we planted it in 2007. It flowered again prolifically in March this year, and as we avoided a cold spell at the end of March, fruit set should have been good. 2011 could be a vintage year for sloe gin.....

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